Rules For Renters

Boca Ciega Rules And Regulations For Renters


No smoking on the Condo Balconies under any circumstances!

The term ‘smoking’ shall include the burning, inhaling, exhaling, breathing, carrying or otherwise handling, controlling or possessing any lit or smoldering product, in any form of cigarette, cigar, cigarillo, pipe, electronic cigarette, hookah, vapor-generating device, or other similar heated or lit product.  Smoking in violation of these restrictions shall constitute a nuisance in violation of the terms and provisions of the Declaration of Condominium. 
If you violate the smoking rule, you might be fined $100 / day doing so. There are “smoke cops” having an eagle eye on the balconies. They will fine the owner for it, and the owner will unfortunately have to fine the renter if it happens. 

You can smoke on the walkway in the front of the condo, grill area, or designated smoking areas.


  • No articles of clothing or towels shall be hanged from any unit balcony. 
  • Barbecuing may not be done on the unit balcony. 


Trash and garbage is to be placed in dumpsters at each end of the building. Not by the elevator trashcan!


  • No Glass is permitted in the pool or hot tub area. 
  • No diving is permitted in the pool or hot tub. 
  • No running is permitted in the pool or hot tub area. 
  • Children under 12 years old are not permitted in the pool or the hot tub without adult supervision. An adult is a person that is at least 18 years of age. 
  • The pool and hot tub close at sunset. 
  • Smoking is not permitted in the pool or hot tub. 
    Smoking is not permitted within the gated pool area.
  • Any person that suffers from incontinence or not fully potty trained is prohibited from using the pool or hot tub unless they are wearing adequate water-proof clothing. 
  • Nudity is not permitted in the pool, hot tub, or any of the common grounds at Boca Ciega Condominium Resort. (Yes it has happened.)
  • Soap, shampoo, conditioner, or any other body or hair care products are not permitted in the pool or spa area. (Yes it has happened.)


No unit owner or renter shall make or permit any disturbing noises, nor permit anything that will interfere with the rights, comforts, or conveniences of the other unit owners or renters. No instrument, record player, electronics equipment, radio, sound amplifier or other devices are to be used in such a manner that disturbs or annoys other occupants of the Condominium Community. All parties shall lower the volume of all the aforementioned or similar devices as of 10pm each day. No unit owner or renter shall conduct vocal or instrumental instruction at any time.

Fishing Dock

The Fishing Dock  is for fishing and relaxing only, NO BOATS.  However for Owners and their guests, if you have a boat you may use the dock for loading and unloading only.

Commercial Vehicles

Commercial vehicles, trailers, or boats are not allowed to park overnight in the parking lot. You may get your vehicle towed away if you push your luck.

Thanks for your understanding to oblige with the rules. We hope you get a wonderful stay at Boca Ciega Resort!

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